Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of optimizing your online appearance in order to rank you higher on Google.

Not Mobile Friendly?
Visit your website with a mobile devices.

Can you use it easily?

Does everything fit or do you have to swipe side to side to try and see everything?

You NEED a Mobile Friendly Website Design

Everyone and their grand-mothers are using smart phones these days. If someone finds your website either from Facebook or Google, they expect your website to work on their device! If they have to pinch and zoom around the website they may become frustrated and leave without ever reaching the call to actions you have set in your web design. 

Chenango Web Design not only makes mobile friendly websites, but we create call to actions that are specific to the device! This means someone on a mobile device will get directed to call with the click of a button. 

Would you like to start a project with us?

Are you ready to kickstart a project with us? We’re excited to collaborate with you and bring your ideas to life. Let’s work together to create a successful and impactful venture that exceeds your expectations. Contact us today to get started!

Some of our Work

We mainly build our websites with Astra templates like the websites featured below, but we can purchase a paid template to work from!

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